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Dve percentá z dane pre SCHOLA LUDUS

Untitled Document
RNDr. Michal Matejka, PhD

Zoznam publikácií



  • M. Matejka, M. Noga, Inequivalent representations of commutator or anticommutator rings of field operators and their applications, Int. J. Theor. Phys., 46, No. 3, 518-547, March 2007, http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0602043
  • Očadlík, S. - Matejka, M. - Tršková, Z. - Veis, P.: Gas temperature determination of open air gliding arcs using UV OH (A-X) band system. Acta Physica Universitatis Comenianae, 42, No. 1&2, p. 33-40, 2001
  • Parulek, I. - Matejka, M.: Pathfinder a gravitačné zrýchlenie Marsu. In: Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, p. 37-42, 58/1999

Príspevky na konferenciách

  • M. Matejka, M. Zelenák, SCHOLA LUDUS Interactive Videos – Active and playful observation via recorded processes, in Contributions of 14. Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning, Udine, 2009, to be published
  • M. Matejka, K. Teplanová, M. Zelenák, Centre of mass in motion-conception and realization of a SCHOLA LUDUS educational programme, 17th Conference of Slovak Physicists Proceedings (CD ROM), Bratislava, Slovak Physical Society, 2009, ISBN 978-80-969124-7-6, s. 101-102, http://www.scholaludus.sk/new/publikacie/KSF_Matejka.pdf
  • M. Zelenák, K. Teplanová, M. Matejka, Significance of solid digital record in learning process by SCHOLA LUDUS, 17th Conference of Slovak Physicists Proceedings (CD ROM), Bratislava, Slovak Physical Society, 2009, ISBN 978-80-969124-7-6, s. 95-96, http://www.scholaludus.sk/new/publikacie/KSF_Zelenak.pdf
  • Life+Science – Dokumentation zum Science Teaching Festival 2008, Giesel Verlag GmbH, Isernhagen, 2008, s. 12
  • Matejka, M.: Štúdium témy ZVUK s využitím vybraných nástrojov komplexného myslenia na zefektívnenie vyučovacieho procesu na ZŠ, II. In: Zborník príspevkov štipendistov z projektu JPD 3 BA 2005/1-043, Bratislava: Knižničné a edičné centrum FMFI UK, 2008, ISBN 978-80-89186-26-6, s. 52-55
  • Teplanová, K. - Matejka, M.: Creative-discovery workshop on droplets and dripping. In: Frontiers of Physics Education, GIREP-EPEC Conference 2007, Selected Contribution. Opatija 26-31 August, 2007, p. 158-171, http://www.scholaludus.sk/new/publikacie/publikacie_txt/paper_CDW_droplets.pdf
  • M. Matejka, S. Očadlík, J. Jašík, V. Martišovitš, P. Veis, Study of the OH (A)-OH(X) emission in Ar+H2O RF discharge, Conference Proceedings of ESCAMPIG 16, Vol. 2, 277-278, 2002
  • M. Matejka, P. Veis, Gas temperature determination from the rotational-vibrational spectra of OH and N2 excited species in dielectric barrier discharges, 15th Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases: Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Contributed Papers, 368-369, 2000
  • I. Parulek, M. Matejka, Modelovanie nevratného procesu štatistickým pokusom, Zborník referátov z 13. medzinárodnej konferencie DIDFYZ 2002: Inovácia obsahu fyzikálneho vzdelávania, 124-128, 2003